蒜香蜜糖焗雞翼 Baked Garlic & Honey Chicken Wings
2015 年 09 月 18 日發佈 HeidiMom媽媽札記
雖說近年大家注重健康, 雞翼、雞腳都被視為需少吃的食物, 但是偶爾來個派對, 或者宴客時吃幾隻, 相信問題並不大吧!
附上只有上下發熱功能的焗爐也能做到的脆皮蒜香蜜糖雞翼, 希望大家喜歡!
附上只有上下發熱功能的焗爐也能做到的脆皮蒜香蜜糖雞翼, 希望大家喜歡!
1雞翼 即買 浸鹽水解凍, 去雪味。 Unfreeze chicken wings in salted water.
2瀝乾雞翼 即買 , 加入醃料拌勻, 醃至少2小時或過夜。 Drain and mix chicken wings with the marinade. Set aside for at least 2 hours or overnight.
3烤架置烤盤上, 雞翼 即買 背面朝上放烤架, 薄薄掃一層蜜糖。 Place oven grill on oven tray. Put chicken wings on oven grill with downside up. Spread a thin layer of honey on the surface
4雞翼 即買 放入已預熱焗爐, 置中層, 以200℃焗5分鐘。 Put chicken wings into preheated oven at middle rack. Bake at 200℃ for 5 minutes.
5取出³並反轉雞翼 即買 , 掃一層蜜糖, 再放入焗爐中層, 以200℃再焗5分鐘。 Take chicken wings out³ and turn them over. Spread honey on the surface. Put into oven at middle rack again. Bake at 200℃ for 5 minutes.
6再取出³, 於雞翼 即買 面厚厚掃一層蜜糖, 放入焗爐頂層, 以240℃焗5-7分鐘⁴即成。 Take chicken wings out again³ and brush a thick layer of honey on chicken wings. Place at top rack of the oven. Bake at 240℃ for 5-7 minutes⁴.
1. 醃料的糖可用蜜糖代替。
Sugar of marinade can be replaced by honey.
2. 因醃肉的時間長, 所以粟粉和麻油沒有待雞翼與其他醃料拌勻後才加進去拌勻。
For long time marinade, corn starch and sesame oil is no need to be added after other marinade well mixed with chicken wings.
3. 為免影響爐溫, 每次取出雞翼時請確保焗爐仍是運作中。
Ensure the oven keeps working when chicken wings are taken out in between.
4. 雞翼約需焗15-20分鐘, 視乎雞翼大小。
The total baking time is about 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of chicken wings.
5. 我家焗爐是舊款大焗爐, 共有3層可置烤架, 只有上下發熱功能。如家中焗爐有對流風功能, 可於最後一次入爐時調校對流風, 以220C焗最後5分鐘, 雞翼皮會更香脆。
My oven is a conventional oven having 3 racks with upper and lower heat function only. To make the chicken skin more crispy, if you have a convection oven, it is suggested to bake chicken wings at 220C for the last 5 minutes by using convectoin function.
Sugar of marinade can be replaced by honey.
2. 因醃肉的時間長, 所以粟粉和麻油沒有待雞翼與其他醃料拌勻後才加進去拌勻。
For long time marinade, corn starch and sesame oil is no need to be added after other marinade well mixed with chicken wings.
3. 為免影響爐溫, 每次取出雞翼時請確保焗爐仍是運作中。
Ensure the oven keeps working when chicken wings are taken out in between.
4. 雞翼約需焗15-20分鐘, 視乎雞翼大小。
The total baking time is about 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of chicken wings.
5. 我家焗爐是舊款大焗爐, 共有3層可置烤架, 只有上下發熱功能。如家中焗爐有對流風功能, 可於最後一次入爐時調校對流風, 以220C焗最後5分鐘, 雞翼皮會更香脆。
My oven is a conventional oven having 3 racks with upper and lower heat function only. To make the chicken skin more crispy, if you have a convection oven, it is suggested to bake chicken wings at 220C for the last 5 minutes by using convectoin function.
討論 共 2 個回覆,最新回覆於 5 年前。