濃厚滋味|東京芝士蛋糕(簡化版)Tokyo Cheesecake|軟滑濕潤|入口即溶|人氣手信

2024 年 04 月 16 日發佈 列印
5 18 3753


食材 (5-6人) 1小時以上


  • 忌廉芝士 Cream cheese 200克/g
  • 糖 Sugar 50克/g
  • 酸忌廉 Sour cream 180克/g
  • 希臘乳酪 Greek yogurt 50克/g
  • 檸檬汁 Lemon juice 10毫升/ml
  • 雞蛋 Egg 2隻/pcs
  • 白朱古力 White chocolate 50克/g
  • 淡忌廉 Whipping cream 100克/g
  • 呍呢嗱精油 Vanilla extract 10毫升/ml
  • 粟粉 Corn starch 20克/g
  • 1

    白朱古力及淡忌廉隔熱水座溶 Melt white chocolate and whipping cream over a double boiler.

  • 2

    將忌廉芝士與糖拌勻 Mix well cream cheese with sugar

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    加入酸忌廉拌勻 Add sour cream and mix well.

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    加入希臘乳酪拌勻 Then add Greek yogurt.

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    再加入檸檬汁拌勻 Add lemon juice and mix well.

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    分次加入兩隻雞蛋拌勻 Add two eggs separately and mix well.

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    將淡忌廉與忌廉芝士醬勻 Stir in whipping cream mix with cream cheese sauce.

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    加入呍呢嗱精油拌勻 Add vanilla extract and mix well.

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    篩入粟粉拌勻 Sift in corn starch and mix well.

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    粉漿過篩 Pass the batter through a sieve.

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    焗模先鋪好烘焙紙 Prepare the baking mold with parchment paper.

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    注入粉漿至8成滿 Pour the batter into the mold until 80% full.

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    輕搖搖出氣泡 Gently shake to remove air bubbles.

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    焗爐預熱至190度 Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius.

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    在焗盤中注入熱水,即以水浴法焗製蛋糕 Bake the cheese cake by water bath method.

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    先以190度焗20分鐘 Bake at 190 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes first.

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    再改以160度焗20分鐘 Then reduce the temperature to 160 degrees Celsius and bake for another 20 minutes.

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    芝士蛋糕取出放涼,再放雪櫃雪凍才享用 Remove the cheesecake and let it cool before refrigerating before serving.  

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    切件時可用熱水把刀浸熱,效果更佳 Soak the knife in hot water before cutting the cheese cake.
