黑豆淮山眉豆湯 Detoxifying black bean, dried common yam, and black-eye pea soup 2023 年 05 月 08 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 0 8 4730 請稍等. 請稍等. 這湯是女士們的恩物。因為黑豆可以補血養顏、而紅棗則可以養血安神,而且兩者都可以補腎益氣,這個湯水也有去濕解毒的功效,十分適合體質較弱的女士們,在夏天飲用。 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上 食材 黑豆 Black beans 100克/g 眉豆 Black-eyed pea 85克/g 淮山 Dried yam 40克/g 紅棗 Red date 10粒/pcs 陳皮 Dried tangerine peel 2瓣/⅔pc 豬展 即買 (豬𦟌)Pork shank 300克/g 薑 Ginger 1片/slice 水 Water 4公升/Liter 1瘦肉汆水洗淨備用 Bring pork shank with a pot of cold water to a boil , then rinse and set aside. 2黑豆先浸水4小時以上至淋 Soak black beans in water for at least 4 hours until tender. 3白鑊細火炒至乾身 Dry-fry the black beans in a pan over low heat until they are dry. 4眉豆浸水1小時 Soak the black-eyed peas in water for 1 hour. 5陳皮浸軟去囊 Soak dried tangerine peel to soften and remove the pith. 6紅棗浸軟去核 Soak red dates to soften and remove the cores. 7煲滾水,下所有材料煲至滾起 Bring the water to a boil in a pot, then add all the ingredients and bring to a boil. 8轉中細火煲2小時 Simmer over low heat for 2 hours. 9下少許鹽調味,完成 Add a little salt to taste and serve.
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