椰汁芒果腸粉伴黑糖蜜 Mango in Coconut Roll with Brown Sugar

2022 年 09 月 06 日發佈 列印
0 0 762


食材 (1-2人) 30分鐘內


  • 芒果 Mango 2個 x2
  • 蒟蒻粉 Glucomannan 60g
  • 椰漿 Coconut cream 300ml
  • 水 Water 400ml
  • 糖 Sugar 40g

黑糖蜜 Brown Sugar Syrup

  • 黑糖 Brown sugar 60克 60g
  • 水 Water 30毫升 30ml
  • 蜜糖 Honey 10克 10g
  • 1

    黑糖及水拌勻,放入電飯煲中,按煮飯鍵 Stir well brown sugar and water. Then put it into a rice cooker. Press the 'Cook' button.

  • 2

    待煮好後,將取黑糖漿,稍為放涼後,加入蜜糖拌勻成黑糖蜜 Let cool after cooked. Then add honey and stir well.

  • 3

    糖、蒟蒻粉及水在鍋中攪拌勻 Stir sugar, glucomannan and water in a bowl.

  • 4

    加入椰漿,細火煮至微滾後熄火 Add coconut cream, boil it in low heat and then close fire.

  • 5

    將適量椰漿倒進平底盤內,輕輕搖動使椰漿變成薄薄的一層,放置2分鐘待其凝固 Pour some coconut cream into the baking sheet, and shake it mildly to make li flat.Leave it for 2 minutes until it sets.

  • 6

    芒果去皮取肉,成長方塊 Peel mango and take the meat, then cut it into a rectangular pieces.

  • 7

    將芒果肉放在已凝固的椰汁片上,用刮刀捲成腸粉 Put the mango meat onto a piece of coconut cream. Then roll it.

  • 8

    淋上黑糖蜜享用 Coat the rice noodle roll with brown sugar syrup. Enjoy.
