清新爆汁|柚子醬豬肋排 Yuzu Sauce Pork Ribs

2023 年 08 月 16 日發佈 列印
1 4 1229


食材 (3-4人) 1小時內


  • 豬肋排 Pork rib 1包/pack
  • 柚子醬 Yuzu sauce 3湯匙/tbsp
  • 叉燒醬 Char Siu sauce ( Barbecue pork sauce) 4湯匙/tbsp
  • 生抽 Soy sauce 1湯匙/tbsp
  • 糖 Sugar 1湯匙/tbsp
  • 生粉 Corn starch 1湯匙/tbsp
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    豬肋排洗淨印乾 Wash and pat dry pork ribs.

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    將叉燒醬、生抽、糖、及生粉塗勻在豬肋排上,醃1小時 Mix the char siu sauce, soy sauce, sugar, and corn starch together and coat the pork ribs with the mixture. Marinate for 1 hour.

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    將豬肋放入氣炸鍋,以200度炸5分鐘 Place the pork ribs in the air fryer and fry for 5 minutes at 200°C.

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    將剩餘的醬汁塗抹在豬肋排上,再以200度炸5分鐘 Brush the remaining sauce on the pork ribs and continue to fry for another 5 minutes.

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    將豬肋排反轉,再塗抹剩餘的醬汁,再以200度氣炸5分鐘, Flip the pork ribs and brush with the remaining sauce. Fry for another 5 minutes at 200°C.

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    將抽子柚子蜜塗抹在豬肋排兩邊,以200度氣炸3分鐘,完成 Brush yuzu sauce on both sides of the pork ribs and fry for 3 more minutes at 200°C.
