【簡易甜品】葡撻 Pastel de nata 2023 年 04 月 12 日發佈 Cook1Cook 列印 1 2 1283 請稍等. 請稍等. 去澳門總會食葡撻,皆因其濃濃的蛋香甜,甜膩的焦糖,配以鬆脆的酥皮,與港式的蛋撻各有千秋。近來香港又掀起葡撻熱,不想排長龍的話,大家也可以自製呢! 食譜影片 查看影片詳情 食材 (7-8人) 30分鐘內 食材 酥皮Puff pastry 5張/Sheets 牛奶Milk 200克/g 忌廉Whipping cream 100克/g 糖 Sugar 60克/g 蛋黃 Yolk 4隻/ pcs 1將蛋黃、糖、忌廉、牛奶混合均勻,攪拌至無顆粒狀態 Mix yolk, sugar, cream and milk until smooth. 2過濾備用 Strain and set aside. 3酥皮攤平,表面搽上少許水,蓋上另一張酥皮,合共5張為一疊 Brush some water on pastry. Cover another sheet on top. Totally 5 sheets as a thick pastry. 4捲起,放入雪櫃雪10分鐘 Roll into a log. Freeze for 10 minutes. 5雪好的酥皮切成約1cm厚,放入蛋撻模中 Cut logs into 1 cm long doughs, place into tart moulds. 6用拇指沾水推開麵團,靜置鬆弛約10分鐘。 Dip your thumbs in the water, flatten the dough so it fits, rest for 10 minutes. 7將撻皮放入氣炸鍋,倒入蛋液至約7分滿, Fill each cup 70% full with the custard mixture. 8以180℃ 氣炸10分鐘即可。 Air fry the pastries for 10 mins at 180℃
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