【健康小炒】秋葵炒雞柳 Okra and Chicken Stir Fry

2023 年 03 月 31 日發佈 列印
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食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內


  • 秋葵Okra 6條/stick
  • 雞柳Chicken breast 250克/g
  • 蒜頭 Garlic 1粒/Clove


  • 雞粉 Chicken powder 1茶匙/tsp
  • 1

    秋葵用鹽摩擦去除面表絨毛 Rub okras with salt to remove the fuzzy outer layer.

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    用水沖走鹽份,將秋葵清洗乾淨 Rinse the okras with water to remove the salt and clean them.

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    秋葵斜切成片 Cut the okras diagonally into slices.

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    蒜頭切成蓉 Mince the garlic.

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    雞柳切成條狀 Cut chicken breast into strips.

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    加雞粉醃30分鐘 Marinate the chicken strips with chicken powder for 30 minutes.

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    燒熱2湯匙油,加入雞柳炒至半熟 Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a wok, add the chicken strips and stir-fry until half-cooked.

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    拌入蒜頭,炒香 Add in minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

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    放入秋葵,炒勻即成 Add in the okra and stir-fry well. Serve hot.
