【啖啖高纖】咖哩南瓜蒸肉餅 Curried steam pork patty with pumpkin

2023 年 03 月 07 日發佈 列印
0 1 1357


食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內


  • 免治豬肉Minced pork 300克/g
  • 小南瓜Small pumpkin ½ 個/pc
  • 洋蔥 Onion ¼ 個/pc
  • 生粉水 Corn starch solution 1湯匙/tbsp


  • 咖哩粉Curry powder 1湯匙/tbsp
  • 生抽 Soy sauce 1湯匙/tbsp
  • 米酒Rice wing 1湯匙/tbsp
  • 鹽 Salt 少許/Some
  • 白胡椒White pepper powder 少許/Some
  • 1

    南瓜蒸熟後挖出南瓜泥 Steam pumpkin until soft, then scoop out and mash the flesh.

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    洋蔥切碎 Finely chop onion.

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    免治豬肉加入調味料及洋蔥碎,攪拌均勻 Mix minced pork with seasonings and chopped onion.

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    拌入南瓜泥 Mix the pork mixture with the pumpkin mash.

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    上碟再放上南瓜丁 Put the patty on plate and put pumpkin dice on top.

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    隔水大火蒸約15分鐘 Steam over high heat for about 15 minutes

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    將碟上的肉汁倒出,煮滾勾芡淋上 Pour out the sauce on the plate. Boil and thicken with corn starch solution. Pour on the patty.
