蘿蔔煮鯪魚球 Braised radish with mud carp balls

2022 年 11 月 24 日發佈 列印
1 1 1319


食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內


  • 白蘿蔔Radish 1條
  • 鯪魚肉Minced mud carp 200克
  • 油葱酥Fried shallot 2湯匙
  • 菜脯碎Dried radish 1茶匙
  • 薑Ginger 2片
  • 葱Green onion 2條


  • 胡椒粉Pepper 少許Little
  • 蠔油Oyster sauce 1茶匙
  • 糖Sugar 少許Little
  • 粟粉水Cornstarch water 少許Little
  • 1

    鯪魚肉加胡椒粉、菜脯和油葱酥1茶匙,順時針拌勻,再撻打幾下。水滾收細火,取魚肉搓成球,放入水中浸熟,撈起備用。 Mix minced mud carp with pepper, dried radish and 1 Tablespoon of fried shallot. Stir in clockwise direction. Flog the mixture. Boiled water then turn to low heat. Take the mixture and roll as a sma

  • 2

    切葱花,切薑絲。蘿蔔削皮,切條。 Shred green onion. Cut ginger in strips. Peel radish and cut in strips.

  • 3

    燒熱油,爆薑絲和油葱酥,加入蘿蔔同炒,再加清湯1杯,蓋上中火煮10分鐘。 Heat the oil, stir fry ginger and fried shallot. Put in radish and 1 cup of chicken broth. Cover the lid and cook in mid-heat for 10 minutes.

  • 4

    加入鯪魚球、蠔油、糖、胡椒粉,加粟粉水收汁,最後撒上葱花拌勻。 Open the lid, put in mud carp balls, oyster sauce, sugar and pepper. Thicken the sauce with cornstarch water. Finally put in green onion and mix well.
