【電飯煲食譜】電飯煲磨菇雞肉意大利飯 Mushroom and chicken risotto in rice cooker #意大利飯 #一煲過 #零難度

2022 年 11 月 10 日發佈 列印
0 0 3183


食材 (3-4人) 1小時內


  • 白蘑菇 Whiite mushroom 100克/g
  • 啡蘑菇 Brown mushroom 100克/g
  • 雞扒 即買 Chicken fillet 200克/g
  • 意大利米或日本米 Risotto rice or Japan Rice 200克/g
  • 牛油 Butter 20克/g
  • 洋葱 Onion ½ 個/pc
  • 雞湯 Chicken broth 1杯/cup
  • 清水 Water 適量/Some
  • 鹽 Salt ½茶匙/tsp
  • 黑椒碎 Ground black pepper ½茶匙/tsp
  • 番茜碎 Parsley flakes 適量 Some
  • 巴馬臣芝士碎 Shredded parmesan cheese 40克/g
  • 1

    磨菇抹乾淨,切厚片 Pat dry mushroome. Cut into thick slices.

  • 2

    洋葱切大粒. Dice onion.

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    米洗乾淨後,連同牛油放入電飯煲內,按快煮鍵先煮5分鐘 Rinse and drain dry rice. Put inside a rice cooker with butter and cook for 5 minutes.

  • 4

    開蓋,加入雞湯、水、蘑菇及洋葱,關蓋續煮20分鐘 Open the cover, add chicken broth, water, mushroom slices and onion. Cook for 20 minutes.

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    雞扒 即買 切粗條,用鹽和黑椒醃10分鐘 Strip chicken fillet. Marinate with salt and pepper for 10 minutes.

  • 6

    開蓋,將雞柳放飯面,再煮5分鐘至熟透 Open the cover. Put chicken on top. Cook for 5 minutes.

  • 7

    加入芝士碎和番茜碎拌勻,完成 Stir with shredded parmesan and parsley flakes. Done.
