【家常食譜】馬蹄豬肉卷 Tofu Skin Roll with Water Chestnut and Pork Meat Filling

2022 年 05 月 23 日發佈 列印
2 6 2471


食材 (5-6人) 1小時內


  • 免治豬肉 Minced pork 300克/g
  • 馬蹄 Water chestnut 8-10粒/pcs
  • 冬菇 Shiitake mushroom 4-6隻/pcs
  • 蝦米 Dried shrimp 20克/g
  • 乾葱頭 Shallot 6粒/pc
  • 腐皮 Tofu skin 1塊/pc
  • 番薯粉 Sweet potato starch 2湯匙/tbsp
  • 五香粉 Five spice powder 2茶匙/tsp
  • 浸蝦米水 Water for soaking dried shrimp 2湯匙/tbsp
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    馬蹄剁碎 Shred water chestnut.

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    蝦米浸軟. Soak dried shrimp until tender.

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    冬菇浸軟切碎 Soak shiitake mushrooms until tender then dice.

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    乾葱頭切碎 Mince shallots.

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    加免治豬肉、番薯粉、五香粉拌勻至起膠 Stir with minced pork, sweet potato starch and five spice powder until sticky.

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    將腐皮裁成約A4紙的長方形 Cut tofu skin into A4 paper size.

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    用腐皮緊緊捲住豬肉,開口用生粉水封好 Roll the filling tightly. Stick the end with some starch solution.

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    隔水蒸15分鐘至熟透 Steam for 15 minutes until cooked.

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    將腐皮卷切件 Section the tofu skin rolls.

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    細火煎至腐皮香脆,完成 Pan fry until tofu skin is golden brown and crispy. Done.
