【簡易食譜】紫薯芋蓉髒髒餅 / 抹茶肉鬆髒髒餅

2021 年 12 月 14 日發佈 列印
1 2 1813


食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內


  • 中筋麵粉 Plain flour 80克
  • 生粉 Starch 20克
  • 紫薯粉/抹茶粉 Purple sweet potato powder / Matcha powder 1湯匙
  • 雞蛋 Egg 2隻
  • 水 Water 200毫升
  • 鹽 Salt Some 少量
  • 芝士 Shredded cheese 適量
  • 芋蓉/肉鬆 Taro paste / Meat floss 適量
  • 紫薯片/抹茶糖粉 Purple sweet potato flakes / Matcha sugar 適量
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    麵粉、生粉及紫薯粉(抹茶粉)過篩,跟鹽及水拌勻至無顆粒 Sift flour, starch and purple sweet potato powder (matcha powder), mix well with salt and then stir with water until no granules left.

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    加入雞蛋拌勻 Mix well with eggs.

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    下適量粉漿煎香 Panfry some batter without oil until one side is set.

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    翻轉後放入芝士碎及芋蓉(芝士碎及肉鬆),捲起。收口向下上碟 Turn to another side, add shredded cheese and taro paste (shredded cheese and meat floss). Roll it and dish up. Let the open side face down.

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    灑上紫薯片(抹茶糖粉),切件,完成 Sift purple sweet potato flakes (matcha sugar powder) on top of the pancake roll. Cut into pieces. Done.
