1蝦仁洗淨後去腸,用刀剁碎備用。Wash the shrimp, devein them. Mince shrimp into paste.
2蝦泥加入所有調味料、蔥花和薑末,拌勻成蝦漿備用。Add all the seasonings, chopped green onions and ginger mash into the shrimp paste. Mix well and set it aside.
3取一張春捲皮攤平,抹上蝦泥攤平,再取1張春捲皮將其蓋上後壓緊邊緣成一蝦餅,用牙籤在蝦餅表面刺洞,防止炸時起泡。 Flatten a spring roll sheet, smear some shrimp paste on smoothly. Layer another spring roll sheet on top and pressing its edge into a shrimp cake. Prick holes on the shrimp cake with a chopstick to p
Spray oil on moon cakes, put into an air fryer then air-fry for 7mins at 180C
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