
2019 年 04 月 19 日發佈 列印
24 27 14157

Credit to Ruimei Luo

食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 糯米粉 Glutinous Rice Flour 500g
  • 清水water 3碗半 3.5 bo
  • 餅碎crumbled biscuits 120g(可不加)
  • 花生peanut 250g
  • 炒熟的糯米粉cooked Glutinous Rice Flour 150g
  • 糖 sugar 適量 moderat
  • 椰絲 desiccated coconut 適量 moderat
  • 熟芝麻sesame 適量 moderat
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    將糯米粉加水攪拌至無粉粒,pour water into glutinous rice flour and stir

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    將粉漿過篩 sift the batter

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    蒸盆抹一層油,將粉槳過篩倒入蒸盆,中至大火蒸大概40分鐘至熟透 grease the tray and pour the batter, steam it for 40 mins with high heat Tip 1: 可以用筷子戳下,筷子抽出來是乾淨的,那代表熟了 Poke a chopsticks in, it is clean when the batter is well cooked

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    蓋上保鮮紙,防止表面乾掉 wrap it with wrap paper avoid the surface dry

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    用攪拌機攪碎啲花生,加餅碎、加椰絲、芝麻、糖撈勻備用,甜度自己調節 blend peanut, add crumbled biscuits, desiccated coconut, sesame and sugar

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    帶上一次性手套,滅一舊粉團,沾一沾啲熟糯米粉,用手稍微壓扁,擺兩茶匙花生餡,然後收口,放入熟糯米粉滾一滾,放在紙托上就完成了 wear the gloves, get some dough, dip on the cooked Glutinous Rice Flour, squash it. Put in some peanut mixture and pinch it carfully. Dip the cooked Glutinous Rice Flour again and done.

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