五香芋頭糕 Taro Cake (可做4底8吋圓錫紙盤)
- 材料 Ingredients:
- 芋頭 Taro (2斤) 1200克(g)
- 冬菇 Mushroom 8朵(pcs)
- 臘腸 Lap Chang 6條(pcs)
- 蝦米 Dried Sea Shrimps 4湯匙(tbsp)
- 乾瑤柱 Dried Scallop 8粒(pcs)
- 粘米粉 Rice Flour 380克(g)
- 水 Water 2000克(g)
- 生油 Oil 4-5湯匙(tbsp
- 調味料 Seasoning:
- 雞粉 Chicken Powder 2湯匙(tbsp)
- 鹽 Salt 2茶匙(tsp)
- 糖 Sugar 2湯匙(tbsp)
- 五香粉 Five Spice Powder 2湯匙(tbsp)
- 麻油 Sesame Oil 少許 Little
芋頭去皮切粒備用。 Peel taro, cut into dice and set aside.
冬菇、蝦米及臘腸切粒。乾瑤柱浸乾撕成絲。用少許油爆香臘腸及蝦米,盛起。原鑊炒冬菇及乾瑤柱片刻,倒進臘腸及蝦米炒勻備用。 Cut mushroom, dried sea shrimps and Lap Chang into dice. Stir-fry with little oil and set aside.
燒熱鑊, 用4-5湯匙油將芋頭粒爆炒4-5分鐘, 然後盛起1碗芋粒備用。 Heat the pan, stir-fry taro with 4-5 tablespoons of oil for 4-5 minutes. Transfer some to a little bowl and set aside.
將調味料及所有配料加入芋粒內, 再炒片刻, 然後加入500克滾水/室溫水將芋料煲滾, 關火, 浸10-15分鐘。 Add all seasoning and ingredients into the remaining taro and mix well. Then pour in 500g hot water / water in room temperature and bring to the boil. Turn off hear. Soak 10-15 mins.
預備粘米粉。加入500克室溫水拌勻備用。 Prepare rice flour. Pour in 500g water and mix well.
將剛煲滾的1000克水及預先盛起的芋頭粒倒入已浸的芋料內拌勻, 然後將粘米粉漿倒入拌勻。 Add 1000g boiling water and taro in little bowl into the soaked taro. Mix well. Pour in rice flour batter and mix.
隨即放入糕盤內大火蒸40分鐘。如以一個大糕盤蒸, 則大火蒸約1.5小時。 Transfer taro batter to a steam plate. Steam with high heat for 40 minutes. If you steam in one plate, steam for 1.5hrs.