自製滷水汁浸雞翼 DIY Marinated Chicken

2014 年 12 月 19 日發佈 列印
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約好家人野餐,半夜打算滷雞翼時才發現家中沒有現成湯汁/滷水材料包, 怎辦?那天凌晨我就是用家裡有的物資做了這個滷汁瞞天過海的^^希望大家喜歡~

食材 (5-6人) 1小時以上


  • 材料 Ingredients:
  • 雞翼 即買 Chicken Wings 2磅(lbs)
  • 滷汁材料 Marinade Ingredients:
  • 八角 Star Anise 5粒❨pcs❩
  • 薑 Ginger 5片(pcs)
  • 葱 Scallion 1棵(plant)
  • 玫瑰露酒 Chinese Rose Wine 1瓶蓋❨cap❩
  • 生抽 Soy Sauce 2湯匙❨tbsp❩
  • 老抽 Dark Soy Sauce 1茶匙(tsp)
  • 鹽 Salt 1茶匙(tsp)
  • 糖 Sugar 2茶匙❨tsp❩
  • 糖漿 Syrup 1湯匙❨tbsp❩
  • 水 Water 1-1.5升 ❨L❩
  • 雞翼 即買 汆水材料 Chicken Wings Blanching Ingredients:
  • 薑 Ginger 5片❨pcs❩
  • 葱 Scallion 1棵❨plant❩
  • 米酒 Rice Wine 1瓶蓋❨cap❩
  • 糖 Sugar 2茶匙❨tsp❩
  • 鹽 Salt 1茶匙❨tsp❩
  • 水 Water 適量 Some
  • 1

    急凍雞翼 即買 用鹽水(份量外) 浸泡至完全解凍。如用新鮮雞翼 即買 ,則洗淨備用即可。薑切薄片,葱切段備用。 Soak frozen chicken wings in salt water to defrost. Or just rinse the chicken wings if fresh one used. Cut the ginger & scallion. Facebook: HeidiMom 媽媽札記 https://www.facebook.com/pages/HeidiMom-媽媽札記/1424

  • 2

    煮滾汆水材料,放進雞翼 即買 煮約12-15分鐘至熟透。 Boil the blanching ingredients, add chicken wings and cook until they are done.

  • 3

    撈起雞翼 即買 後馬上浸冰水降溫至雞翼 即買 完全冰涼。 Soak the chicken wings in iecd water until they are cool.

  • 4

    雞翼 即買 涼透後可倒出瀝水,並把汆水用的配料夾走。如是親子活動,此部份可交由孩子做。 Dredge up and drip the chicken wings when they are cooled. Remove the blanching ingredients left between them. Invite children to do this step if it ia a parent-child activity.

  • 5

    煮滾滷水材料約10分鐘至出味。關火,靜置待完全涼透。 Boil the marinade ingredients for about 10mins. Off fire, wait until it totally cool down.

  • 6

    把涼透的雞翼 即買 加入涼透的滷水汁中浸至少2小時或放雪櫃浸過夜即可食用。(吃前別加熱!冷盤來的啊!) Add the cooled chicken wings into the cooled marinade. Soak them for at least 2 hours or overnight in the refrigerator. No need to reheat before serving.
