自製滷水汁浸雞翼 DIY Marinated Chicken
- 材料 Ingredients:
- 雞翼 即買 Chicken Wings 2磅(lbs)
- 滷汁材料 Marinade Ingredients:
- 八角 Star Anise 5粒❨pcs❩
- 薑 Ginger 5片(pcs)
- 葱 Scallion 1棵(plant)
- 玫瑰露酒 Chinese Rose Wine 1瓶蓋❨cap❩
- 生抽 Soy Sauce 2湯匙❨tbsp❩
- 老抽 Dark Soy Sauce 1茶匙(tsp)
- 鹽 Salt 1茶匙(tsp)
- 糖 Sugar 2茶匙❨tsp❩
- 糖漿 Syrup 1湯匙❨tbsp❩
- 水 Water 1-1.5升 ❨L❩
- 雞翼 即買 汆水材料 Chicken Wings Blanching Ingredients:
- 薑 Ginger 5片❨pcs❩
- 葱 Scallion 1棵❨plant❩
- 米酒 Rice Wine 1瓶蓋❨cap❩
- 糖 Sugar 2茶匙❨tsp❩
- 鹽 Salt 1茶匙❨tsp❩
- 水 Water 適量 Some
煮滾汆水材料,放進雞翼 即買 煮約12-15分鐘至熟透。 Boil the blanching ingredients, add chicken wings and cook until they are done.
雞翼 即買 涼透後可倒出瀝水,並把汆水用的配料夾走。如是親子活動,此部份可交由孩子做。 Dredge up and drip the chicken wings when they are cooled. Remove the blanching ingredients left between them. Invite children to do this step if it ia a parent-child activity.
煮滾滷水材料約10分鐘至出味。關火,靜置待完全涼透。 Boil the marinade ingredients for about 10mins. Off fire, wait until it totally cool down.
把涼透的雞翼 即買 加入涼透的滷水汁中浸至少2小時或放雪櫃浸過夜即可食用。(吃前別加熱!冷盤來的啊!) Add the cooled chicken wings into the cooled marinade. Soak them for at least 2 hours or overnight in the refrigerator. No need to reheat before serving.