自家製烏冬 Homemade Udon

2014 年 10 月 24 日發佈 列印
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雖說這是麵包機食譜, 其實機搓完後,麵糰還是要人手拉拉擀擀一番才好吃!所以,別因沒麵包機而卻步,所有機做的部份改為人手便可。大家一起動手吧!

自家製烏冬 Homemade Udon:http://youtu.be/JFD43ouhqtg

Facebook專頁:HeidiMom 媽媽札記

食材 (1-2人) 1小時以上


  • 高筋麵粉¹ Bread Flour¹ 40克(g)
  • 中筋麵粉 All Purpose Flour 200克(g)
  • 澄麵 Non-glutinous flour 10克❨g❩
  • 鹽 Salt 5-6克(g)
  • 水 Water 150毫升(ml)
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    把所有材料放進麵包機內,選擇【麵糰】→【餃子皮】模式。〖如用人手,把所有材料搓成光滑麵糰即可。〗 15分鐘後, 當完成鈴聲響起,按【取消】鍵,不要開蓋,讓麵糰在機內鬆馳30分鐘。Put all the ingredients into the bread machine. Choose "Dough" → "Dumpling Skin" mode. 〖If make by hands, just knead all the ingredients into a smooth ball〗 When the

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    工作枱上撒上高筋手粉,取出麵糰擀薄,對摺2次,再擀薄,重覆以上步驟7﹣8次後滾圓麵糰,用保鮮紙包著靜置30分鐘或以上。² Sprinkle some flour on the desk, fold the dough twice and roll thin. Repeat the above steps 7-8 times, then knead the dough into a ball, place a cling wrap on it and wait for 30mins.²

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    把麵糰擀成約3﹣4毫米厚的長方形,撒上手粉摺2﹣3折,再切成寬度約2﹣4毫米的麵條。(寛厚度可隨個人口味調整) Roll the dough with 3-4mm thickness, sprinkle some flour and fold 2-3 times, cut it as thin strips with 2-4mm width. (The thickness and width can be liberally adjusted.)

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    切好的麵條要馬上鬆散及撒上手粉,防止沾粘,並儘快放進冷藏格(0℃以下),以免室溫影響麵條口感。³ Loose the noodles and sprinkle flour immediately. Freeze the noodles asap if they are not yet cooked.³

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    麵條煮法 Cooking method: 1.煮一鍋滾水,將麵條放入,並用筷子撥散煮至熟透。 Loose the noodles in a pot of boiling water, cook until the noodles are done.

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    2.如麵條比較粗厚,可於水再滾時加入一杯冷水繼續煮至熟透。 If the noodles are thick, pour a cup of cold water after the water is boiled again. Cook until the noodles are done.

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    3. 撈起煮熟的麵條,立即浸冰水數秒,可令麵條口感更Q彈! For more al dente noodles, soak the hot noodles into iced water for seconds.

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    佳節送禮,物輕情意重! A handmade present shows your love!
