【清潤素湯】雪梨無花果海底椰湯 Snow pear, fig and sea coconut Soup

2023 年 04 月 19 日發佈 列印
0 4 2836


食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 雪梨 Snow pear 2個/pcs
  • 海底椰 Sea coconut 30克/g
  • 雪耳 Snow fungus (white fungus) 1個/pc
  • 無花果 Fig 4-5粒/pcs
  • 南北杏 Sweet and bitter apricot kernels 適量/Some
  • 鹽 Salt 適量/Some
  • 水 Water 2公升/Liter
  • 1

    雪梨去皮去芯 Peel and core snow pears.

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    雪耳浸發洗淨,去蒂及切碎 Soak and clean the snow fungus, remove the hard portion at the bottom and chop into small pieces.

  • 3

    無花果切開 Cut figs in half.

  • 4

    海底椰及南北杏洗淨 Rinse sea coconut and apricot kernels.

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    煲滾水,下所有材料 Bring water to a boil and add all the ingredients.

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    滾起後加蓋,轉中小火煲45分鐘 Bring to a boil again, cover and simmer over medium-low heat for 45 minutes.

  • 7

    酌量加鹽調味,完成 Add salt to taste and it's done.
