苦瓜煮黃立䱽魚 Fish with bitter melon
- 苦瓜Bitter melon 1個1 pc
- 黃立䱽魚Golden Pomfret fish 1條1 pc
- 豆豉Fermented black bean 1湯匙1 tbsp
- 蒜Garlic 3粒3 cloves
- 糖、鹽、生抽Sugar, salt, light soy sauce 各少許a littl
- 薑Ginger 2片2 slices
把苦瓜切半,去籽後切件。 Cut the bitter melon in half, discard the seeds and slice.
拍扁蒜,切幼;把豆豉剁幼;把苦瓜氽水,取出備用。 Press the garlic, then finely chop. Finely chop the fermented black bean. Blanch the bitter melon pieces, take out and reserve.
下油爆香薑,下魚煎,輕壓,反轉繼續煎至金黃,取出魚。 Heat the oil, fry the ginger until fragrant, then put the fish in pan, fry until both sides are golden brown, gently press, flip and continue frying, take out.
爆香蒜茸及豆豉,加入苦瓜炒香,下糖調味,下少許水煮約8分鐘。 Fry the minced garlic and fermented black bean until fragrant. Put the bitter melon to fry together, season with a little bit sugar, add some water, cook for about 8 min.
煎魚回鑊,蓋上煮約8分鐘,下少許生抽調味,熄火,上碟。 Put the fish back, cover, simmer for about 8 mins. Open the lid, season with a little bit light soy sauce. Off heat, serve hot.