氣炸新年傳統糕點無水蘿蔔糕 condensed carrot cakes
1蘿蔔去皮磨成蓉800g remove the skin of the white carrots and grind them
2從蘿蔔蓉過篩,取適量蘿蔔汁,加入180g在來米粉,拌勻 Filter the grinned carrots to get some juice, mix it in rice flour
3三茶匙橄欖油加入鍋,放入蘿蔔泥,慢慢加熱至滾起 Add olive oil to frying pan, heat the grinned carrots till it boils
4加入適量鹽巴、白胡椒粉,關火,加入粉漿,攪拌均勻 Season with salt and pepper, turn off the heat, add in the mixture from step 2, mix well
5開中小火慢慢炒收水,直到乾身難以攪拌 Dry up the mixture with medium heat , continue till it’s hard to stir
6關火,靜置10分鐘 Turn of the heat, leave for 10 minutes
7取玻璃容器,抹上油,鋪上烘培紙,倒入麵糊 Get a glass container, grease with oil, cover with baking paper, pour in the batter
8用保鮮紙抹平表面,蒸20分鐘 flatten the surface with plastic wrap, steam for 20 minutes
9放涼並讓水分稍微蒸發 cool down and let the steam goes off
10鋪上保鮮紙,雪4小時以上 freeze with plastic wrapping for at least 4 hours
11倒摸,切片,噴油,放入氣炸鍋160度炸10分鐘 remove from the container, slice and spray oil on it, air fry for 10 minutes at 160 degree Celsius.
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