吞拿魚飛魚籽蛋沙律醬 Egg Salad Dressing

2015 年 04 月 09 日發佈 列印
1 5 3487

天氣開始暖和, 是時候出動野餐和沙灘遊了! 做些小食如三文治、飯團等, 玩得盡興時可及時補充體力。今天我們就來做一份三文治抹醬吧! 歡迎在此分享你的享用方法!

食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內


  • 材料 Ingredients:
  • 鹽水浸吞拿魚Tuna Chunks in brine 2罐(cans)
  • 雞蛋 Eggs 4隻(pcs)
  • 飛魚籽 Flying Fish Roe 1-2湯匙(tbsp
  • 奇妙醬 Miracle Whip Dressing 6湯匙(tbsp)
  • 鮮果味沙律醬Fruit Flavor Salad Dressing 1湯匙(tbsp)
  • 煉奶 Condensed Milk 2湯匙(tbsp)
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    雞蛋隨室溫水放煲,煮8分鐘至剛熟,剥殼備用。 Put eggs into room-temperature water & boil for 8 mins, peel and set aside.

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    吞拿魚肉倒出瀝水。 Drain tuna chunks.

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    雞蛋及吞拿魚肉同置大碗,用薯蓉壓壓爛或用刀切成小粒。 Place tuna chunks & eggs into a big bowl. Mash or cut them into small dice.

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    加入剩餘的材料拌勻。 Add in all other ingredients & mix well.

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    攪拌途中如遇比較大粒的蛋白或吞拿魚肉, 可用匙切碎。 While mixing, use spoon to cut the egg white or tuna chunks smaller if you like.

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    完成! 最好即做即食, 不然放雪櫃最多3天。 Done! Please enjoy asap! Keep refrigeration before serve within 3 days.

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    可做三文治醬。 You may use as sandwich spread.

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    可伴梳打餅或克力架。 Or eat with crackers.

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    還可加入飯團以增加濕潤口感。 Even add some in the onigirazu is nice.
