煙韌軟糯|椰汁斑蘭千層糕 Coconut milk and pandan layer cake

2023 年 08 月 16 日發佈 列印
0 0 835


食材 (7-8人) 1小時以上


  • 斑蘭葉 Pandan leaf 5片/leaves
  • 椰漿 Coconut milk 400毫升/ml
  • 粘米粉 Rice flour 40克/g
  • 木薯粉 Tapioca flour 300克/g
  • 糖 Sugar 240克/g
  • 水 Water 220毫升/ml
  • 1

    斑蘭葉切細段,加水放攪拌機打成汁後隔渣備用 Cut pandan leaves into small pieces and blend with water in a blender. Strain the mixture and set aside.

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    木薯粉、粘米粉、椰漿、糖及水拌勻後過篩 Mix tapioca flour, rice flour, coconut milk, sugar, and water together and strain the mixture.

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    將粉漿分成兩份,其中一份與斑蘭汁拌勻 Divide the mixture into two parts. Mix one part with pandan juice.

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    準備ㄧ煲滾水,將已抹油的糕盆放於蒸架上 Prepare a pot of boiling water and place a greased cake pan on a steaming rack.

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    加入一份綠色粉漿,加蓋中大火蒸約4分鐘至凝固 Pour in one part of the green mixture and steam on high heat for about 4 minutes until set.

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    加入一份白色粉漿,加蓋中大火蒸約4分鐘至凝固 Pour in one part of the white mixture and steam on high heat for about 4 minutes until set.

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    重覆加入綠色及白色粉漿及蒸熟至9-10層 Repeat the process, alternating between green and white mixture, until there are 9-10 layers.

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    最後加蓋再蒸10分鐘確保全熟 Steam for another 10 minutes with the lid on to ensure the cake is fully cooked.

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    放涼後脫模切件即作 Let the cake cool down and then remove from the mould. Cut into pieces before serving.
