一煲煮好|簡易電飯煲手撕雞 Easy hand-shredded chicken by rice cooker

2023 年 08 月 03 日發佈 列印
0 0 1864


食材 (3-4人) 1小時內


  • 雞髀 Chicken thigh 2隻/pcs
  • 薑蓉 Ginger paste 2湯匙/tbsp
  • 鹽焗雞粉 Spicy bake mix 1包/pack
  • 生抽 Soy sauce 1湯匙/tbsp
  • 油 Oil 少許/some
  • 紫洋蔥 Red onion ½個/pc
  • 蔥 Spring onion 2棵/stalks
  • 芫荽 Coriander 適量/some
  • 芝麻 Sesame 適量/some
  • 1

    雞髀洗淨抹乾 Wash and pat dry chicken thighs.

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    用薑蓉、鹽焗雞粉、生抽及油醃30分鐘 Marinate the chicken thighs with ginger paste, spicy bake mix, soy sauce and oil for 30 minutes.

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    蔥切段,洋蔥切粗絲 Section spring onion and shred purple onion.

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    在飯煲內先放蔥段,再放洋蔥絲 Place the spring onion sections shredded onion in the rice cooker.

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    放上雞髀,按快煮模式,將雞脾煮熟 Place the marinated chicken thighs on top and set the rice cooker to the quick cook mode to cook the chicken thighs until done.

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    完成後在煲內焗10分鐘 After cooking, leave the chicken thighs in the rice cooker for an additional 10 minutes.

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    取出放涼後撕碎 Remove the chicken thighs from the rice cooker and let them cool. Then, shred the chicken thighs into bite-sized pieces.

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    放上芫荽碎及芝麻 Sprinkle coriander and sesame seeds on top.

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    淋上電飯煲內的汁料即成 Pour the remaining liquid from the rice cooker over the shredded chicken, and mix well to ensure the chicken is evenly coated in the sauce.
