菠菜炒腐皮 Sauteed spinach and bean curd sheets

2023 年 01 月 16 日發佈 列印
0 3 1269


食材 (3-4人) 15分鐘內


  • 菠菜Spinach 200克200g
  • 炸腐皮卷Fried bean curd sheet roll 6個6 pcs
  • 薑Ginger 2片2 slices
  • 乾葱Shallot 1個1 pc
  • 蒜頭Garlic 1瓣1 clove
  • 水Water 2湯匙2 table
  • 蠔油Oyster sauce 半茶匙½ teasp
  • 糖Sugar 少許Little
  • 粟粉芡水Cornstarch water 少許Little
  • 1

    薑、蒜頭和乾葱切碎,菠菜切段,炸腐皮卷切半。 Shred ginger, garlic and shallot. Cut spinach in pieces. Cut bean curd sheet roll in half.

  • 2

    燒熱油,爆薑、蒜頭和乾葱,加入菠菜,加水1湯匙同炒。 Heat the oil, stir fry ginger, shallot and garlic. Put in spinach and 1 tablespoon of water.

  • 3

    加人炸腐皮卷,再加水1湯匙,灒紹酒,加蠔油和糖,加粟粉芡水收汁。 Put in bean curd sheet and put one more tablespoon of water. Pour in Shao Xing wine. Put in oyster sauce and sugar. Thicken the sauce with cornstarch water.
