【和風美食】蒲燒鰻魚 Grilled Eel in Japanese Style

2022 年 09 月 19 日發佈 列印
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食材 (1-2人) 15分鐘內


  • 急凍鰻魚 Frozen eel 1包 1 pack
  • 鰻魚汁 Eel sauce 適量 Some
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    鰻魚取出,印乾 Take out the eel meat and pat dry.

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    用竹或金屬簽穿過鰻魚身,以防熟後捲曲 Use bamboo or metal skewer to pass through the eel's body to prevent them from curling up after cooked.

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    兩面塗上一層鰻魚汁,中細火慢煎 Coat the eel with a layer of eel sauce on both two sides. Pan-fry in medium low heat.

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    每面各煎約1分鐘即反轉,並塗上鰻魚汁 Pan-fry each side of the eel for about 1 minute, then flip and coat with eel sauce

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    每面各煎3-4次,共煎約7-8分鐘即成 Pan-fry each side of the eel 3-4 times for a total of about 7-8 minutes
