【簡易湯水】苦瓜排骨湯 Bitter Gourd and Pork Ribs Soup

2022 年 09 月 06 日發佈 列印
0 1 3126


食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 排骨 Pork ribs 400克 400g
  • 苦瓜 Bitter gourd 1條 x1
  • 黃豆 Soybean 50克 50g
  • 薑 Ginger 2片 2 slice
  • 水 Water 適量 Moderat

調味 Sesoning

  • 鹽 Salt 適量 Moderat
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    黃豆清洗後浸2小時 Soybean soaks for 2 hours after washing.

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    排骨飛水 Blench the pork ribs.

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    瀝乾水 Drain the water.

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    苦瓜清去核和瓤 Pick the core and flesh of the bitter gourd.

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    將苦瓜切件 Cut the bitter gourd into pieces.

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    將材料都倒入鍋 Put all the ingredients into the bowl.

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    加入水至蓋過材料 Add the water to cover the ingredients.

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    大火煲至水滾 Cook it until the water is boiled in big heat.

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    轉小火煲40分鐘 Change to low heat to boil for 40 minutes.

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    最後以鹽調味 Use the salt to season the soup eventually.
