【清新健康食譜】三色椒薯蓉杯 Baked Mashed Potato in Bell Pepper

2022 年 03 月 16 日發佈 列印
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三色椒即甜椒,又叫燈籠椒、菜椒、波椒,因通常取紅黃綠三色故俗稱三色椒,英文則稱作Traffic Light pepper,是辣椒的一個變種。已成熟的甜椒辣度不高,有豐富的維他命C,微量營養素、維他命K及矽,可以防治壞血病、牙齦出血、貧血,以及強化毛髮和指甲,如果吃不辣,甜椒也是不錯的替代品

食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內


  • 紅、黃、青椒 Traffic light bell pepper 各1顆
  • 免治豬肉 Minced pork 100克
  • 薯仔 Potato 2個
  • 洋葱 Onion 1/2個
  • 芝士碎 Shredded Cheese 適量
  • 牛油 Butter 10克
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    薯仔灼熟,壓成蓉備用 Boil and mash potatoes.

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    三色椒切去頂部1/4,挖去籽後備用 Cut the top quarter of bell peppers. Remove seeds and set aside.

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    頂部去蒂後切碎,洋葱切碎 Chop the top of bell peppers and onion.

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    細火煮溶牛油,爆香洋葱,下三色椒碎及免治豬肉炒熟 Melt butter with low heat. Stir fry onion until fragrant. Add chopped bell pepper and minced pork and stir fry until cooked.

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    加入薯蓉拌勻 Mix with potato mash.

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    將薯蓉釀入三色椒內,灑上芝士碎 Stuff mash into the bell peppers. Sprinkle shredded cheese.

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    將三色椒放入氣炸鍋內,以180度氣炸10分鐘即成 Airfry the bell pepper with 180℃ for 10 minutes. Done.
