氣炸鍋食譜粟米班塊Airyer Fried Fish with Creamy Corn Sauce

2021 年 03 月 20 日發佈 列印
16 22 5724


食材 (3-4人) 1小時內


  • 石班塊Grouper fillets 380克 380g
  • 粟米蓉Sweet corn cream style 1罐1 can
  • 胡椒粉Pepper 少許some
  • 鹽Salt 少許some
  • 紹興酒Shaoxing wine 少許some
  • 粟粉Corn starch 適量some
  • 雞蛋Egg 1隻1 pc
  • 麵包糠Bread crumbs 少許some
  • 蛋白Egg white 1隻1 pc
  • 牛奶Milk 80毫升 80ml
  • 1

    石班塊切件洗淨,抹乾 Defrost grouper fillets, chop, clean and dry

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    用鹽、胡椒粉放入雪櫃醃1個小時或以上 Marinade with salt and pepper in fridge for an hour.

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Beat eggs, dip fillets in corn starch

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Then beat eggs, and bread crumbs lastly

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    放入雪櫃雪30分鐘或以上 Freeze for at least 30 minutes

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Spray oil to fillets’ both sides

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    放氣炸鍋氣炸5分鐘 Air fry for 5 minutes

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    燒熱白鑊,倒入粟米蓉,加牛奶和蛋白拌勻。 Heat up a can of sweet corn cream style, add and mix well with milk and egg white.

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    將醬汁淋上炸魚,完成 Pour sauce on fish, done.
