氣炸鍋梳乎厘 Airfryer soufflé

2020 年 09 月 13 日發佈 列印
1 33 8386


食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上

組合A Set A

  • 蛋黃Yolk 2顆 2pc
  • 砂糖Sugar 20克20g
  • 低筋麵粉Low gluten flour 30克30g
  • 牛奶Milk 125毫升 125m
  • 牛油Butter 20克20g

組合B Set B

  • 蛋白Egg white 2顆2
  • 砂糖Sugar 20克20g

組合C Set C

  • 牛油Butter 砂糖Sugar
  • 砂糖Sugar 砂糖Sugar
  • 1

    先預備烤模,混合好組合C的材料後,在烤模內均勻搽上組合C的牛油 。 combine set C ingredients, rub on the baking mould.

  • 2

    再往烤模撒上一層砂糖 Sprinkle some sugar inside

  • 3

    將烤模放入雪櫃備用 Freeze the mould

  • 4

    之後準備做蛋奶醬,把組合A的蛋黃與砂糖在鍋中混合均勻。 Mix yolks and sugar in set A

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    加入低筋麵粉並拌勻至沒有顆粒。 Mix well with cake flour

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    分次加入牛奶,一邊拌勻。 Add milk slowly and keep stirring

  • 7

    開小火加熱組合A的混合物,並不斷攪拌至糊狀, 離火蓋上保鮮膜放涼備用。Heat up mixture of set A at low heat while stirring constantly until sticky. Remove from heat.

  • 8

    然後可以準備蛋白霜,把組合B的蛋白打至略發泡, 加入一半組合B的砂糖,繼續攪拌至蛋白膨脹。 加入另一半的糖繼續拌打至濕性發泡。Whisk egg whites in set B ,add half of the sugar, whisk until soft tip appear, add the rest of the sugar and whisk until stiff tip appear.

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    取1/3的蛋白霜加入蛋奶醬中拌勻,再倒回蛋白霜中拌勻成麵糊。Mix 1/3 of the egg whites into milk mixture, pour back and blend well with the remaining egg whites.

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    將舒芙蕾麵糊裝入擠花袋中,再擠入雪藏過的烤模,麵糊要與烤模一樣高,把表面多餘麵糊刮除。Fill into a pastry bag, fill up the mould with cake mixture, remove excess mixture on surface.

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    在杯緣的麵糊劃一圈凹痕,將烤模敲一敲,排出多餘空氣 。Scoop out mixture on margins, remove excess air by knocking.

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    放入氣炸鍋中,180℃氣炸10分鐘,完成。 Air fry at 180℃ for 10 mins.

  • 13
