
2019 年 03 月 22 日發佈 列印
23 13 2868

一個人個屋企,想食野點知打開雪櫃得翻娘新蒸魚用淨嘅蔥同埋上次貪得意包餃子又唔知擺左幾耐嘅餃子皮,真係絕望左一下,究竟呢兩樣野可以整到咩食呢。喺谷塭一塭,又真係有喎衰鬼!多謝谷友Cherie Lee既食譜,脆扑扑,正!

食材 (1-2人) 15分鐘內


  • 水餃皮  dumpling skin 24塊
  • 蔥花 scallions 適量
  • 鹽 salt 適量
  • 鹽 salt 適量
  • 1

    在水餃皮上塗上少許油,撒上適量蔥花和鹽,再蓋上一片水餃皮 spread oil on dumpling skin and sprinkle scallions and salt, cover with another dumpling. (如此類推,一份蔥油餅需疊上8塊水餃皮) (Repeat this step for 8 times)

  • 2

    用手略壓實後,用麵粉棍推成圓形薄片,直徑大一倍 squash it with hand and roll it with rolling pin becomes larger

  • 3

    平底鍋中放油,用中火煎至兩面金黃即可 grease the pan, brown it with medium heat
