切达芝士蛋糕(Cheddar cheese cake)

2014 年 10 月 14 日發佈 列印
21 60 29990


食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 蛋白(egg white) 3粒
  • 蛋黄9egg yolk) 3粒
  • 切达芝士(cheddar cheese) 60g
  • 鲜奶(fresh milk) 50ml
  • 幼糖(sugar) 50g
  • 牛油(butter) 50g
  • 低筋麵粉(cake flour) 50g
  • 醋(vinegar) 1/4茶匙teasp
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    水熱后関火,隔熱水煮溶至滑 Melt milk, butter and sliced cheese using double-boiler method until thick. Remove it from double-boiler.

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    加入蛋黃快速拌勻,待凉。 While keep stirring, add egg yolks, stir until well combined. Set a side.

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    蛋白加醋后,將蛋白用電動打蛋器打到呈魚眼泡形狀時,分两次加入白糖漸漸加速至高速攪打。打蛋器停轉後能拉出彎曲下垂的尖角,轉中低速攪打,記得隨時停下來觀察蛋白狀態,至蛋白變硬、能拉出短小直立的尖角即可(尖角短小但微微彎曲也可以) Whisk egg whites,add vinegar until foamy, add in sugar and continue whisk until soft peak form.

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    将一半的蛋白倒入芝士糊内,轻轻從下往上翻拌至均勻。 Take 1/3 of white eggs batter to the cheese mixture, mix well.

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    筛入面粉然后轻轻從下往上翻拌至均勻。 shifted cake flour ,mix until well combined.

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    将芝士 糊反倒进剩余的蛋白内,轻轻從下往上翻拌至均勻。 Then partially pour the cheese mixture to the remaining egg whites, mix until well combined.

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    倒入抹了一層薄薄油的6寸模入烤箱下層,水浴法140度烤20分鐘,然後150度40-50分鐘,烤得差不多時,看表面會不會烤得太焦,如果是可用錫紙蓋表面防表面烤得太焦。根據自家烤箱酌情調整溫度或時間,沒烤透的話會回縮的,請一定要多試幾次找到烤透的溫度和時間。 Pour into 6” pan, wrapped outside with aluminum foil. - 140c Bake in water bath for 20minutes then turn to 150c bake for 40-50

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    烤好立刻脱模,就不会收缩。待涼了較好吃。 Remove cake from the oven, and remove the cake from the mould immediately. - Set aside to cool.

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