香甜嫩滑| 香濃椰汁糕 Cocount milk cake

2023 年 08 月 04 日發佈 列印
0 2 949


食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 椰汁 Coconut milk 500毫升/ml
  • 全脂奶 Whole milk 375豪升/ml
  • 凍滾水 Cold biiled water 375豪升/ml
  • 白砂糖 Granulated sugarr 150克/g
  • 魚膠粉 Gelatin powder 45克/g
  • 1

    在糕模內塗一層油,方便脫模 Grease a cake mold with oil for easy removal.

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    將水加進鍋內,毋須開火 Pour water into a pot and do not heat.

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    加入魚膠粉拌勻至溶化 Add gelatin powder and stir until dissolved.

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    加入椰汁拌勻 Add coconut milk and stir well.

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    加入牛奶拌勻 Add milk and stir well.

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    加入白砂糖拌勻 Add sugar and stir well.

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    一邊細火慢煮,一邊攪拌,當感覺到魚膠化和糖都完全溶化就可熄火 Cook over low heat while stirring until the gelatin and sugar are completely dissolved.

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    將椰籵糕溶液隔篩注入糕模內 Pour the coconut milk cake mixture through a sieve into the mold.

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    用火槍燒去氣泡,沒有火槍的話可用湯匙𢳂走 Use a torch to remove air bubbles or use a spoon to remove them.

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    放雪櫃雪2小時至凝固 Chill in the fridge for 2 hours until set.

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    用小刀在椰汁糕邊輕刮,以便脫模 Lightly scrape the edge of the coconut milk cake with a knife to help it release from the mold.

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    切去邊位 Trim the edges.

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    切件即成 Cut into pieces and serve.
