【愛心小食】心型蛋卷 Heart-sharped egg roll

2023 年 03 月 31 日發佈 列印
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食材 (3-4人) 1小時內


  • 低筋麵粉 Low gluten flour 60克/g
  • 無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter 50克/g
  • 砂糖 Sugar 50克/g
  • 鹽 Salt 少許/Some
  • 雞蛋 2隻/pc
  • 1

    雞蛋、砂糖、鹽攪拌均勻。 Stir eggs, sugar and salt well.

  • 2

    加入牛油溶液拌勻 Mix well with melted.

  • 3

    加入已過篩的麵粉拌勻 Sieve in low-gluten flour and mix thoroughly.

  • 4

    煎鑊小火加熱,把一湯匙麵糊倒入後 Heat a frying pan over low heat, pour in 1 tablespoons of batter.

  • 5

    蓋上一層牛油紙,再用重物將麵糊壓平至手掌般大小,掀起牛油紙 Cover with a baking sheet, and flatten it with a heavy object, press it to the size of your palm.

  • 6

    兩面煎至凝固後,取出蛋捲皮 Take out the egg roll wrapper.

  • 7

    趁熱摺成長條狀,再往內對摺成水滴狀 Press it into a thin strip while it is hot Then fold it in half into a droplet shape.

  • 8

    摺好後固定一下,讓它稍微冷卻定型 Hold and let it cool and fix.

  • 9

    重複以上步驟,製作出多個水滴狀蛋捲 Repeat the above steps to make more droplet-shaped egg rolls.

  • 10

    把兩個水滴狀蛋捲合拼就是一個心型蛋捲 Combine the two egg rolls to form a heart-shaped egg roll.

  • 11

    把心型蛋捲放入氣炸鍋,用120度氣炸7分鐘,放涼後即可享用 After rolling up all the egg rolls, put them in the air fryer, air fry at 120 degrees for 7 minutes. Let cool and enjoy.
