消炎抗菌|蘋果雪梨煲魚腥草 Apple, Yellow Pear and Fishwort Drink

2022 年 05 月 20 日發佈 列印
1 6 7416



食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 魚腥草 Fishwort 300克/g
  • 蘋果 Apple 2個/pcs
  • 雪梨乾 Dry yellow pear 6-8片/slice
  • 椰棗 Date palm 3粒/pcs
  • 陳皮 Dry tangerine peel 2角/⅔pc
  • 1

    魚腥草洗淨去根 Rinse fishwort.

  • 2

    切至每段約3-4吋長 Cut into 3-4 inch sections.

  • 3

    浸水20分鐘,瀝乾備用 Soak in water for 20 minutes. Drain dry.

  • 4

    蘋果去芯去核 Remove the core and seeds of the apples.

  • 5

    陳皮浸軟刮囊 Soak dry tangerine peel until tender and remove the pith.

  • 6

    煲滾3公升水,下蘋果、雪梨乾、椰棗及陳皮 Bring 3L water to a boil, add apple, dry yellow pear, date palm and dry tangerine peel.

  • 7

    滾起後轉小火煲1小時45分鐘 Bring to a boil again. Turn to low heat and boil for 1 hour and 45 minutes.

  • 8

    下魚腥草煲15分鐘 Add fishwort and boil for 15 minutes.

  • 9

    完成 Done.
