氣炸鍋蒜香麵包Airfryer Garlic Bread

2020 年 09 月 08 日發佈 列印
13 9 3514


食材 (5-6人) 1小時以上


  • 酵母Yeast 2克2g
  • 室溫水Water 200克200g
  • 高筋麵粉Bread flour 200克200g
  • 高筋麵粉Bread flour 100克100g
  • 糖Sugar 12克12g
  • 鹽Salt 2克2g
  • 油Oil 24克 24g


  • 大蒜Garlic 1整個one who
  • 蔥白spring onion(white part) 1根 1
  • 無鹽奶油Unsalted butter 50克50g
  • 鹽Salt 4克4g
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    所有麵糰材料混合均勻,揉成麵糰後餳麵20分鐘。Mix all dough ingredients, knead to a smooth dough, rise for 20 mins

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    然後揉麵一分鐘,再次餳麵1.5-2小時 Knead for a min, let rise for 1.5-2 hrs

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    餡料用小火炒5分鐘 Simmer all fillings for 5 mins

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    麵團分成4等份,separate the dough into 4 portions

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    往桌面撒上適量麵粉防沾,Lightly flour the work surface to avoid sticking

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    桿平4塊麵團,在麵團上平均鋪上餡料,Roll out the 4 doughs, evenly spread garlic fillings on top

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    把另一塊麵團疊上,重複重疊動作,直到最後一塊麵團置頂。Cover with another dough, repeat the overlapping steps, until the last dough is placed on top

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    用圓形模具在麵團中央壓出印記,Take a round mould to press a mark in centre

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    沿圓形印記切斷麵團,Cut the dough around the circle mark

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    取相鄰麵團,扭出辮子形狀,尾端捏緊收口,Take adjacent dough parts, twist to create a braid, pinch to smoothen the ends

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    用保鮮紙蓋著麵團,最後發酵45-60分鐘 Cover dough with plastic wrap, Rise for 45-60 mins

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    掃上蛋液,Brush egg wash on dough

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    放入預熱好的氣炸鍋,place into the preheated air fryer

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    200°C 氣炸25 分鐘Air fry the bread at 200 for 25 mins

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