氣炸鍋新年傳統小食氣炸蛋散/麻花捲 Airfryer Fried Braids

2020 年 01 月 19 日發佈 列印
0 13 4949

傳統嘅蛋散要搓麵糰,好多步驟,越來越難搵到啦!唔使擔心,我地可以自己氣炸簡易版蛋散, 善用雲吞皮來做蛋散,省返好多時間。脆口的蛋散加上糖漿和芝麻,係好好味嘅小食!

食材 (3-4人) 15分鐘內


  • 雲吞皮 Wonton Skins 20塊 20 pcs
  • 糖漿 Syrup 適量 some
  • 芝麻 white sesame 適量 some
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    把每塊雲吞皮對褶,用鋒利的小刀在中央割一條縫,兩端要留約2½ cm,不要切斷。Fold the Wonton Skin into half, cut a hole in the middle with knife, leave 2½ cm at each ends

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    把一端向裂縫反穿過起,變成蝴蝶形狀。Pull one end of it through the hole so that it is in butterfly shape

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    在雲吞皮上噴油,噴多一點會更脆口。Spray sufficient oil on it so it is crispy

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    150度氣炸4分鐘至金黃即可。Air fry at 150°c till it’s golden brown

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    將糖和水煮成糖漿 sugar and water cook until the mixture to sticky

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    加入麻花捲和芝麻炒勻 Add fried braids and white sesame, mix it
