蒜香蜜糖焗雞翼 Baked Garlic & Honey Chicken Wings

2015 年 09 月 18 日發佈 列印
35 554 28657

雖說近年大家注重健康, 雞翼、雞腳都被視為需少吃的食物, 但是偶爾來個派對, 或者宴客時吃幾隻, 相信問題並不大吧!
附上只有上下發熱功能的焗爐也能做到的脆皮蒜香蜜糖雞翼, 希望大家喜歡!



食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 材料 Ingredients:
  • 雞翼 即買 Chicken Wings 3磅 (lbs)
  • 蜜糖/糖漿 Honey/Syrup 適量 (Some)
  • ********************************** **********
  • 醃料 Marinade:
  • 糖¹ Sugar¹ 3茶匙(tsp)
  • 鹽 Salt 1/4茶匙 (tsp
  • 粟粉² Corn Starch² 1.5茶匙 (tsp
  • 麻油² Sesame Oil² 1茶匙 (tsp)
  • 生抽 Soy Sauce 1湯匙 (tbsp)
  • 老抽 Dark Soy Sauce 1/2茶匙 (tsp
  • 胡椒粉 Ground Pepper 少許 (Some)
  • 米酒 Rice Wine 1湯匙 (tbsp)
  • 蒜茸 Crushed Garlic 適量 (Some)
  • 薑蓉 Chopped Ginger 適量 (Some)
  • 1

    雞翼 即買 浸鹽水解凍, 去雪味。 Unfreeze chicken wings in salted water.

  • 2

    瀝乾雞翼 即買 , 加入醃料拌勻, 醃至少2小時或過夜。 Drain and mix chicken wings with the marinade. Set aside for at least 2 hours or overnight.

  • 3

    烤架置烤盤上, 雞翼 即買 背面朝上放烤架, 薄薄掃一層蜜糖。 Place oven grill on oven tray. Put chicken wings on oven grill with downside up. Spread a thin layer of honey on the surface

  • 4

    雞翼 即買 放入已預熱焗爐, 置中層, 以200℃焗5分鐘。 Put chicken wings into preheated oven at middle rack. Bake at 200℃ for 5 minutes.

  • 5

    取出³並反轉雞翼 即買 , 掃一層蜜糖, 再放入焗爐中層, 以200℃再焗5分鐘。 Take chicken wings out³ and turn them over. Spread honey on the surface. Put into oven at middle rack again. Bake at 200℃ for 5 minutes.

  • 6

    再取出³, 於雞翼 即買 面厚厚掃一層蜜糖, 放入焗爐頂層, 以240℃焗5-7分鐘⁴即成。 Take chicken wings out again³ and brush a thick layer of honey on chicken wings. Place at top rack of the oven. Bake at 240℃ for 5-7 minutes⁴.

  • 7

    食用時可撒上少許黑椒碎或芝麻粒調味。 Serve with some black pepper or sesame is optional.
