瑤柱蘿蔔糕 Turnip Cake ❨可做2底8吋圓錫紙盤❩

2015 年 03 月 01 日發佈 列印
1 16 8443


食材 (9人以上) 1小時以上


  • 材料 Ingredients:
  • 白蘿蔔 Turnip ❨3-3.5斤❩ 1.8-2.1kg
  • 臘腸 Lap Chang 3條❨pcs❩
  • 冬菇 Mushroom 4朵❨pcs❩
  • 蝦米 Dried Sea Shrimps 2湯匙❨tbsp❩
  • 乾瑤柱 Dried Scallop 4粒❨pcs❩
  • 粘米粉 Rice Flour 半斤❨300g❩
  • 鷹粟粉 Corn Starch 70克❨g❩
  • 水 Water 250-300ml
  • 調味料 Seasonings:
  • 雞湯粒 Chicken Cube 1粒❨cube❩
  • 鹽 Salt 2-3茶匙❨tsp❩
  • 糖 Sugar 2-3茶匙❨tsp❩
  • 胡椒粉 Pepper 適量 Some
  • 1

    白蘿蔔去皮洗淨,一半切條,一半刨絲備用。 Peel off turnip skin, 1/2 cut into stripes and 1/2 shred.

  • 2

    臘腸切粒,冬菇、蝦米、乾瑤柱浸軟後切粒或拆絲,用少許油爆香備用。 Lap Chang, mushroom, dried sea shrimps, dried scallop cut into dice after soaking in water to be soften. Stir-fry them by using a little oil.

  • 3

    先炒白蘿蔔條至微軟,再把蘿蔔絲連汁放入鍋煮至微滾,加入臘味、配料及調味料煮至大滾熄火。 Stir-fry turnip first, then put the turnip shred with juice into the wok & boil. Add all ingredients & seasonings & boil again.

  • 4

    將水逐少加入粘米粉及鷹粟粉內, 順一方向攪拌混合成漿。為確保無粉粒,可用手搓揉。 Adding water into rice flour and corn starch little by little, stir in one direction.

  • 5

    把粉漿漸次倒進蘿蔔料內,邊倒邊攪勻。 Slowly pour batter into turnip mix, stir well at the same time.

  • 6

    倒入蒸盤中蒸45-50分鐘即可。 Pour in mold. Steam for 45-50mins.

  • 7

    剛蒸好的蘿蔔糕比較軟,我家孩子會急不及待用匙馬上享用。 其實待涼後,切件煎香吃味道更佳! Turnip cake is quite soft when just leaving the steam oven/wok. Cut into pieces while it is cooled, pan-fry to serve is better.
