夏日靚湯|淮山節瓜煲豬展 Chinese yam, hairy gourd and pork shank soup

2024 年 05 月 07 日發佈 列印
4 18 2205



食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 節瓜 Hairy gourd 1個/pc
  • 鐵棍淮山 Chinese yam 1條/pc
  • 粟米 Corn 1條/cob
  • 豬展 即買 Pork shank 1個/pc
  • 眉豆 Black eye bean 60克/g
  • 陳皮 Tangerine peel 1角/⅓/pc
  • 水 Water 2公升/Liter
  • 鹽 Salt 少許/As tast
  • 1

    節瓜去皮 Peel the hairy gourd.

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    切件 Then cut into pieces.

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    鐵棍淮山去皮 Peel the Chinese yam

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    鐵棍淮山再切厚片,方便食用 Cut into thick slices for easier consumption.

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    粟米切件 Cut the corn into pieces.

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    中間破開 Split it open in the middle.

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    眉豆洗淨後浸水 Wash the black eye beans and soak them in water.

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    陳皮浸軟後刮囊 Soak the tangerine peel until softened, then scrape off the pith.

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    豬展 即買 汆水 Blanch the pork shank.

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    大火煲滾 Bring to a boil over high heat.

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    轉用慢火煲2小時 Reduce to low heat and simmer for 2 hours.

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    最後加鹽調味即可 Finally, season with a pinch of salt to taste.
