潤肺養顏|姬松茸白木耳木瓜雞腳湯 Dried almond mushroom, snow fungus, papaya and chicken feet sou

2024 年 04 月 26 日發佈 列印
0 3 709



食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 木瓜 Papaya 1個/pc
  • 雞腳 即買 Chicken feet 6-8隻/pcs
  • 姬松茸 Dried almond mushroom 60克/g
  • 白木耳 (雪耳)Snow fungus 1個/pc
  • 花生 Peanuts 40克/g
  • 鹽 Salt 適量/As tast
  • 水 Water 2公升/L
  • 1

    姬松茸洗淨 Wash the dried almond mushroom.

  • 2

    浸水半小時 Soak them in water for half an hour.

  • 3

    白木耳浸軟 Soak the snow fungus until softened.

  • 4

    去蒂及剪成小塊 Remove the stems and cut into small pieces.

  • 5

    花生洗淨 Wash the peanuts.

  • 6

    泡浸15分鐘 Soak them for 15 minutes.

  • 7

    木瓜去皮 Peel the papaya.

  • 8

    去籽再切件 Then remove the seeds and cut into chunks.

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    雞腳 即買 洗淨,批走雞皮上污物 Wash the chicken feet, remove any impurities from the skin.

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    切走或剪去趾甲 Cut or trim the nails.

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    汆水4分鐘瀝乾備用 Blanch them in boiling water for 4 minutes, then drain and set aside.

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    所有材料加入煲內再加水 Add all the ingredients to a pot with water.

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    大火煲滾 Bring to a boil over high heat.

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    轉用慢火煲2小時 Reduce to low heat and simmer for 2 hours.

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    最後加鹽調味即可 Finally, season with salt to taste.
