【減肥食譜】椰菜花意大利飯 Cauliflower Risotto

2023 年 03 月 30 日發佈 列印
0 0 1309


1. 飽肚:一碗椰菜花飯含2.1克膳食纖維,較白飯多3.5倍,能增加飽足感
2. 預防便秘:膳食纖維還能促進腸臟蠕動,預防便秘及大腸癌
3. 低熱量:一碗白飯含200卡路里,椰菜花飯則只有27卡路里
4. 營養豐富:椰菜花含有豐富的鉀、維他命C、蘿蔔硫素和維他命K。蘿蔔硫素含抗氧化物能延緩老化,維他命K則可強健骨骼

食材 (1-2人) 1小時內


  • 椰菜花飯 Cauliflower rice 300克/g
  • 洋蔥 Onion 1個/pc
  • 蘑菇 Mushroom 8粒/pc
  • 白酒 White wine 50毫升/ml
  • 蔬菜湯 Vegetable broth 80毫升/ml
  • 忌廉 Cream 50毫升/ml
  • 橄欖油 Olive oil 1湯匙/tbsp
  • 巴馬臣芝士碎 Grated Parmesan cheese 適量/some
  • 番茜碎 Parsley flakes 適量/some


  • 鹽 salt 少許/some
  • 碎黑胡椒 Ground black pepper ½茶匙/tsp
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    洋蔥切碎,蘑菇切大粒 Chop onion. Cut mushrooms into large pieces.

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    燒熱橄欖油,將蘑菇粒炒香,略加調味,盛起備用 Heat olive oil and stir fry the mushroom until fragrant, lightly season then set aside.

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    原鑊將洋蔥炒至金黃色,灒白酒 In the same pan, stir fry the onion until golden brown, then add the white wine.

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    下椰菜花飯粒炒2分鐘 Add cauliflower rice and stir fry for 2 minutes.

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    下蔬菜湯,細火煮5分鐘至收水 Add vegetable broth and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes until the liquid is thicken.

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    加入蘑菇粒及忌廉拌勻略煮 Add mushroom and cream, stir well and cook briefly.

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    熄火,慢慢加入巴馬臣芝士碎,攪拌至合適的濃稠度 Turn off the heat and slowly add grated Parmesan cheese. Stir until the desired thickness is achieved.

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    灑上番茜碎即可 Sprinkle with parsley flakes and serve.
