麥冬無花果雪梨素湯 Dwarf Lilyturf Root Tuber, Dried Fig and Pear Vegan Soup

2023 年 01 月 19 日發佈 列印
0 1 1582


食材 (3-4人) 1小時以上


  • 麥冬Dwarf lilyturf root tuber 30克30g
  • 無花果Dried fig 4粒4 pcs
  • 雪梨Pear 2個2 pcs
  • 紅蘿蔔Carrot 1條1 pc
  • 南北杏Apricot kernel 30克kernel
  • 鹽Salt 適量some
  • 1

    麥冬浸水;無花果對切。 Soak dwarf lilyturf root tuber. Cut dried fig into two pieces.

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    雪梨對切、去心、去籽、切件;紅蘿蔔去皮、切件。 Cut pear into two pieces, cored and deseed, cut pear into pieces. Peel carrot and cut into pieces.

  • 3

    將紅蘿蔔、南北杏、雪梨、無花果、麥冬加入至滾水,蓋上蓋,轉小火煲1.5小時,加入適量鹽。 Put carrot and apricot kernel, pear, dried fig, dwarf lilyturf root tuber into boiling water, cover the lid and cook for 1.5 hours with low heat, finally put in some salt.
