【 #Airflyer氣炸新年傳統小食 】賀年氣炸角仔

2020 年 01 月 08 日發佈 列印
22 12 5326

農曆新年就快到,點少得傳統小食角仔 ?角仔又叫油角,寓意「來年露頭角」。脹卜卜 油膶富足,據說,舊時新年不少人家都有炸角仔的習慣,開一鍋熱油,角仔下鍋,載浮載沉,寓意家庭油潤、富足。時至今日,大家想食得健康D,用空氣炸鍋都輕鬆做到 !

食材 (1-2人) 1小時內


  • 低筋粉(cake flour / low protein flour) 120g
  • 糖(sugar) 10g
  • l/8茶匙大約少於1
  • 無鹽牛油(unsalted butter) 40g
  • 蛋黃(egg yolk) 1隻
  • 水(water) 40g


  • 花生碎(chopped roasted peanut) 80g
  • 椰絲(desiccated coconut) 10g
  • 芝蔴(sesame seed) 10g
  • 糖(sugar) 20g
  • 1

    低筋粉、糖、鹽拌勻加牛油混合至麵包糠狀, 加入蛋黃混合後慢慢加入水搓勻至光滑麵糰, 麵糰用保鮮紙包好放入雪櫃約20-30分鐘。 In a mixing bowl, mix cake flour, unsalted butter, sugar and salt together. Add in egg yolk and water bit by bit until the dough is smooth. Wrap the dough with a Plastic wrap and free

  • 2

    饀料全部混合備用。 Mix up all the filling ingredients .

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    取出麵糰壓薄印模後放入饀料對摺收口鎖花, 排入焗盆中,焗爐預熱15分鐘,以160°c焗10分鐘。 打發雞蛋,把蛋液掃上角仔,再氣炸5分鐘上色。 Roll the dough flat. Cut out small circles. Wrap up peanut filling like curry puffs. Pinch edges to seal. Preheat and air fry the Kok Chye for 15 minutes at 180°c. Brush whisked e
