【氣炸小食】氣炸香草芝士脆條 Airfry Crispy Mozzarella Stick

2023 年 04 月 19 日發佈 列印
0 0 1122


食材 (5-6人) 30分鐘內


  • 水牛芝士 Mozzarella cheese slices 220克/g
  • 麵包糠 Bread crumbs 1杯/cup
  • 雞蛋 Egg 1隻/pc
  • 麵粉 Flour ⅓杯/cup
  • 黑胡椒碎 Ground black pepper ½茶匙/tsp
  • 鹽 Salt ¼茶匙/tsp
  • 番荽碎 Dry parsley 適量/Some
  • 甜紅椒粉 Paprika ½茶匙/tsp
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    水牛芝士切條備用 Cut Mozzarella cheese into thick strips.

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    雞蛋打發備用 Whisk the eggs.

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    麵包糠與香草碎、黑胡椒碎和鹽混合。 Mix well bread crumb, dry parsley, ground pepper and salt.

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    加入甜紅椒粉混合 Mix well with paprika.

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    把芝士條依次序沾上麵粉、雞蛋液、香草麵包糠,然後放入雪櫃冷凍半小時。 Roll the cheese sticks over flour, whisked egg and the seasoned bread crumbs respectively. Then freeze them for half an hour.

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    把芝士條放入氣炸鍋,以200度焗8分鐘。 輕鬆完成! Airfry the cheese sticks for 15 minutes at 200 degree. It's finished!
