白苦瓜炒松本茸 Sauteed white bitter melon with Honshimeji mushroom

2022 年 12 月 13 日發佈 列印
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食材 (1-2人) 15分鐘內


  • 白苦瓜White bitter melon 150克150g
  • 台灣松本茸Taiwanese Honshimeji mushroom 4隻4pcs
  • 葱Green onion 2條2pcs
  • 乾紅椒Dried chili 1條1pc
  • 蒜頭Garlic 1瓣1 clove
  • 豆豉Fermented soy bean 1茶匙1 teasp
  • 粟粉芡水Cornstarch water 少許Little


  • 蠔油Oyster sauce 半茶匙½ teasp
  • 糖Sugar 半茶匙½ teasp
  • 紹酒Shao Xing wine 1茶匙1 teasp
  • 1

    松本茸一開三,再對切。白苦瓜去籽,切片。蒜頭、葱白、豆豉切碎。乾紅椒切絲。葱綠切葱花。 Slice Honshimeji mushroom in three pieces, then cut in half. Take out white bitter melon seed. Slice bitter melon. Shred garlic and fermented soy bean. Shred white and green part of green onion separately. Cut

  • 2

    燒熱油,加豆豉、葱白、蒜頭和辣椒同爆炒,加入松本茸同炒。 Heat the oil, stir fry fermented soy bean. Put in white part of green onion, garlic and chili. Stir fry with Honshimeji mushroom.

  • 3

    加入白苦瓜,灒紹酒,加水1湯匙,蓋上煮至水分蒸發。開蓋,加蠔油和糖,灒少許酒。撒葱花。粟粉水收汁。 Put in white bitter melon. Pour in Shao Xing wine and 1 Tablespoon of water. Cover the lid and cook until no water. Open the lid, season with oyster sauce and sugar. Pour in Shao Xing wine. Put in green o
