脆口格仔餅Light, Crisp Waffles

2016 年 06 月 10 日發佈 列印
13 49 33439

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食材 (3-4人) 30分鐘內


  • 食材A
  • 普通麵粉 3/4杯
  • 玉米澱粉 1/4杯
  • 1/2茶匙
  • 發酵粉(baking powder) 1/2茶匙
  • 小蘇打 1/4茶匙
  • 食材B
  • 牛奶(加1湯匙醋) 3/4杯
  • 牛奶 1/4杯
  • 植物油 3湯匙
  • 蛋黃 1個
  • 食材C
  • 蛋白 1個
  • 1湯匙
  • 香草精 1/2茶匙
  • 1

    (3/4 cup) bleached all-purpose flour, (1/4 cup) cornstarch,1/2 tsp. salt,1/2 tsp. baking powder,1/4 tsp. baking soda, 3/4 cup buttermilk,1/4 cup milk, 3Tbsp. vegetable oil,1 large egg, separate。1 Tbs sugar,1/2 tsp. vanilla extract 。

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    食材A拌匀。Mix the flour, cornstarch, salt, baking powder, and baking soda in a medium bowl.

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    3/4杯的牛奶加1湯匙醋拌匀等10分鐘,然后將所有食材B拌匀。Measure the buttermilk, milk, and vegetable oil in a Pyrex measuring cup; mix in the egg yolk and set aside.

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    食材C打發至硬性發泡。In another bowl, beat the egg white almost to soft peaks. Sprinkle in the sugar and continue to beat until the peaks are firm and glossy. Beat in the vanilla.

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    將步驟2和3的食材拌匀。Pour the buttermilk mixture into the dry ingredients and whisk until just mixed.

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    加入打發好的食材C拌匀。Drop the whipped egg white onto the batter in dollops and fold in with a spatula until just incorporated.

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    當華夫鐵機熱,用少許牛油輕拍,然後舀一杯量的麵糊到鐵的中心。按照您的華夫餅乾機需要多長時間烤熟。(我大約需要3 - 每4分鐘) 可做3個。Pour the batter onto the hot waffle iron (mine takes about 1cup) and cook until the waffle is crisp and nutty brown (follow the manufacturer's instructions for timing at first and the

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    配純楓糖漿和水果。請享用!When all the waffles are cooked, serve immediately.

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    Buttermilk= Combine the milk and lemon juice. Measure 1 scant cup of milk. Stir in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes. Let the mixture stand at room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes.

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    When it is ready, the milk will be slightly thickened and you will see small curdled bits. This substitute will not become as thick as regular buttermilk; you will also not notice the curdled bits in your finished recipe.
